So, let's explore the possibilities . . . that "adrenal exhaustion" or "adrenal fatigue" may be an issue for you!!!
First question . . . what are our "adrenal glands" . . . and why are they important to optimal health???
Well . . . the "adrenal glands" are 2 small, triangular-shaped glands located on top of the kidneys.
And they produce a hormone called "Cortisol" . . . which is called the "STRESS" hormone and "BELLY FAT PRODUCER"!!!
They "regulate" . . . our metabolism, immune system and blood pressure . . .
AND . . . the "adrenal glands" are responsible for releasing "adrenaline" in the response to "stress" . . . preparing us for the "fight" . . . "flight" . . . or "freeze" response to any given situation in our life.
"Fight" . . . meaning ready to take on the challenges of life . . . confrontation . . . or danger physically or mentally . . .
"Flight" . . . meaning afraid of confrontation . . . or danger of any kind . . . mentally and/or physically . . . and running away . . .
And "Freeze" . . . meaning the body "can't" decide what to do . . . "fight" or "flight" . . . so, we just do NOTHING . . .
Now . . . as I just said . . . this gland is responsible for helping to regulate "blood pressure" . . . but, it also helps with "electrolyte levels" by controlling sodium and potassium excretion in the kidneys.
"Adrenals" even produce a "small" amount of the "sex" hormones called "estrogen" and "testosterone".
So, we can clearly see . . . these 2 little "glands" . . . play a major role in how we "live our life" . . .
So, what are the signs . . . of an "adrenal gland exhaustion"???
Well . . . they would be . . .
Abdominal pain and/or weight loss
Constipation or diarrhea
Craving salty foods
High blood pressure
Mouth sores
and Muscle weakness
And unfortunately . . . our "adrenal glands" produce "LESS" of the hormone called Cortisol as we get older . . .
Which can cause . . .
Diminished capacity to deal with stress
Impaired immune responses
Decreased bone health
Accelerated age-related diseases
And . . .
Have you ever wondered . . . why as we age . . . we just can't get rid of that little "belly pouch"???
Well, tomorrow . . . let's continue . . .
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