Okay . . . so, we all know about "emotions" . . . running HIGH . . . in today's world and especially with the upcoming "election" . . .
And this "emotional" overload is due to the body's "Limbic System" . . . which as we now know . . . is a major part of the "brain".
So, how does all of this connect together . . . Covid . . . decision making . . . and this "election"???
Well . . . "decision making" of ANY form . . . for ANY reason . . . can cause "stress" and "fatigue" . . . which is known as . . . "ego depletion"!!!
And with this . . . it can lead to anxiety, depression, regret and even guilt.
Which can lead to diminished "willpower" . . . and our sense of "self-control".
And NO ONE . . . "wants" to make the "wrong" decisions or lose their "control" in life.
So, how do we "prevent" that from happening???
Well . . . there are things we can do like . . .
Thinking through the problem before making a decision . . .
Avoid making decisions when you're emotional . . .
Don't make decisions when you're tired, hungry, distracted or in a hurry . . .
Act on what you know is "true" and filter out incomplete information . . .
Reflect on your decision and its action and/or reaction after the fact . . .
Don't make a decision just because of "other's" values or information . . .
Keep your integrity . . .
And being "mindful" of "ego depletion" . . .
Remember, your decision "isn't" always the best outcome . . . or the outcome you wanted at all.
And "don't" let anyone "define" the problem for you . . . your "decision" must come from WITHIN . . .
So, let's take today to better understand the process that the brain goes through to make an informed "decision" . . . and then we'll "connect" it all together.
Okay . . . so, the 'Prefrontal cortex" is the part of the brain that is "responsible" for functions like . . .
"Reasoning" . . . which includes . . . simple and complex processing of information . . .
"Problem-solving" . . . and "logical thoughts" like . . . judgment and "decision-making" . . .
And with this . . . there are several brain "regions" involved in "decision-making" such as . . .
The Orbital
Prefrontal lobe
Anterior cingulate cortex
Parietal lobe
Now, as we continue through life . . . we all want to make "wise choices" and "good decision" . . .
But . . . in today's crazy world . . . how do we "know" if we're doing that???
Is everything just an "illusion" . . . or is it "foreseen"???
Is it "perception" . . . or is it "reality"???
Well . . . I don't have the answer to those questions . . .
But . . . what I "do" know . . . is what "science" AND our body is telling us . . .
So tomorrow . . . we'll dig a little deeper as to why our "vision" may be a little "clouded" . . . and our "decision-making" may be a little off.
As always, feel free to DM or contact me at: miraclemeadows.net/contact/