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Mindy Lee

A "personal" journey this past year . . .

So, how does "life" take over our health sometimes???

Well . . . today, I'm going to give you a personal example of just that . . .

As many of you know . . . I am a "workaholic"!!!

If I'm not working on research and helping others with their health . . . I'm working on the farm here at Miracle Meadows taking care of the animals . . . building something . . . or taking care of my family.

Life is full and always exciting for me . . .

But . . . at times . . . I've been known . . . to NOT practice "SELF-CARE"!!!

As MANY of us seem to IGNORE these day . . .

Well . . . my journey started last Feb 2024 . . .

I went to do my morning chores of feeding the animals . . .

But, when I opened the barn door . . . the barn was filled with smoke!

I ran through the barn to get the horses out . . . and tripped over a bucket . . . falling on my arm and shoulder.

I got up and completed my mission . . . and everyone was safe . . . thank goodness

But, I then . . . spent the next hour shoveling out the smoldering shavings that a heat lamp had fallen on over night.

All was good . . . but ME . . . because I "now" couldn't move my arm . . .

Well . . . long story short . . .

After 3 Orthopedic surgeons, several MRIs, therapy and a lot of pain . . . 11 months later . . . I still don't have full mobility of my arm.

And . . . I'm okay with that . . .

But, in that same time frame . . . my "immune system" became "compromised" due to the chronic "STRESS" and pain on my arm/shoulder and body . . . trying to keep up with my busy life!!!

Then in Nov. of 2024 . . . my mom had a stroke . . . and never recovered.

She passed away in Dec. 2024.

Again, due to the already "stress" on my body from my arm . . . I now had the "stress" of losing my mom . . .

The "grief" was more than my body could handle . . .

And I ended up with "ADRENAL EXHAUSTION"

So, my point to this story is to make you AWARE . . . that sometimes "LIFE GETS IN THE WAY" of our health . . .

And if we "don't" practice "SELF-CARE" on a REGULAR basis . . .

Our "immune system" becomes "compromised" . . .

So, in this "new" year of "2025" . . .

We NEED to UNBOTTLE our emotions . . .

Purge our feelings . . .

Cleanse our mind, body and spirit . . .



So, let's start listening to our body . . . and practice some "SELF-CARE" in this new year!!!

And tomorrow, tell continue talking about "ADRENAL EXHAUSTION" . . .

Because . . . you won't believe how many of us have been "SUFFERING" from this illness ever since the pandemic!!!!

As always, feel free to DM or contact me at:

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